Jen is a multi-talented woman on a mission to share her vision of women becoming SHERO'S. Getting back your "inner self" - you know, that girl with fantastical hopes and dreams, who has taken a leave of absence while on the journey of life.
I "met" Jen via her books when I went back to school last year; she has written terrific books. Her Facebook and blog posts are always wonderful, her tweets fun (and if I was on Twitter more, I could probably add a hash-tag or two...). I had a personal training session with Jen and I am VERY excited to be going on a retreat with her next month.
THIS month, FREE OF CHARGE, Jen has put together a program I know will change lives: The Shero's School for Revolutionaries. This conference brings together more than twenty gifted people, sharing their wisdom, guidance, life lessons, and stories, from September 23-28.
My hope today is that you will click on the links, check out the "school," and join ME while I participate in these lessons. I want to continue my quest to get back to my true, authentic self. My second hope is that you will SHARE this information with everyone. We deserve this. We are worth it. And this is some mighty powerful guidance we are being given.
I'm off to design my cape...
Music Today: As soon as I saw the name of Jen's school, THIS song came right to mind.
P.S. I had no idea it was in the movie; I literally just read the book on Thursday.
Was on the other side
Oh we can beat them
For ever and ever
Then we can be Heroes
Just for one day