Peter will head to college and although he is out and about a lot of the time, he is still "here." I know I will miss him, and yet, I also know this is his time; to spread his wings and learn how to fly.
Bella will be but a short year behind him. ::: sigh :::
I have learned that I never know what will happen from day to day. Small adjustments, little speed bumps, big hurdles - the stuff that keeps us on our toes.
Phone calls. emails, texts, sitting with a colleague at work, discussions at the dinner table - each interaction with another person brings with it the prospect of something new or different or even life altering. How I roll with it affects everything.
Today I am headed to work for the first time in forever with the threat of "blizzard like conditions after dark." It is, upon reflection, the first time since my kids were in day care that I am commuting on a day like today. All of my other jobs have either been out of my house or at a place where closing for the day was not a big deal.
I have learned, hair matters. People WILL come out no matter what the weather to get their hair done.
And so, with my boots on, an ice scraper at the ready and a plan to drive VERY slowly, I wish YOU all a safe commute, a marvelous day and positive thoughts about embracing change.