He is headed to St. John Fisher College (Rochester, NY) in the fall where he will pursue accounting and play baseball.
Nikki, his fabulous girlfriend, is headed to UCONN.
Poor Marco had his dad having surgery in one hospital in the morning and me having it at another in the early evening. It made for a l-o-n-g day for him.
Yesterday, I was rather pitiful due to the pain. Once I understood I could take two Percocet I was much better. I was the elevating, ice queen, med taking, expert.
At 9:30 last night I fell asleep on my love seat - arm elevated, wrapped in ice and I had a solid two hours of sleep. It was the best sleep I had in days. I went up to bed, took my meds and slept through until 4:30 this morning! THAT felt like a victory.
My dear friend Claire dropped off a homemade Stromboli and is keeping me company while writing the payroll checks. I have THE best friends!
I haven't got room for the pain
I haven't the need for the pain