I love that this blog is a conduit to kindness and love and light and sharing all the power we have to help in the healing process of so many you don't know. But I do. And as such, you get to know them.
Whether you write a comment (which they can then see and feel), or spend a half a second sending them blessings, I can assure you it is making a difference.
And knowing that, I share the following, with permission.
Last week, while enjoying a family vacation in Hawaii, my friend Sarah's mom, Kathy Gillen, suffered a small stroke. Kathy is already fighting a giant battle with cancer. Thankfully, she is making good progress post-stroke, and Sarah is able to stay with her. (In comparison to our NY weather, if you have to be stranded somewhere to heal, Hawaii is a pretty good place to be stuck.) Please send her some love. xo
Kim might be home from the hospital as I write this. (She will chime in in the comments, I am sure to let us know.) The other day, after I asked for the love to be shared for Kim, she had this to say in the comments:
I loved reading the comments. It made me feel so good to be reminded how good people really are. I am still in the hospital. They are having trouble accessing my port. I'm hoping they can clear it with meds instead of having another surgery. I'll do what I have to do but let's hope it's the easier route. :) on another note - the food here really isn't terrible and my cute little dietician is getting me the deli menu today. Things are looking up ... ;).
Jake Update from Amy:
"Jake's doctor from his proton therapy in Bloomington, looked over Jake's and scan and DOES NOT think it is the tumor regrowing. Jake's type of tumor usually grows back in the same place and the tumor bed looks clean from what he can see. It still means there are things going on, but thanking God it does not look like tumor!!"
Amy Update from Amy herself:
"Since many have asked, I will do a little update on myself. I am retaining fluid and need another heart cath on March 3rd. I may have to spend a couple of days in the hospital to get the fluid off and possibly be on a drip to get the right side of my heart pumping properly. All of this will get me better prepared for transplant. Some days I start to get discouraged that I am not on the list yet, and then I look back at the year we just had. God lined it all up perfectly!"
I have a few friends who are quietly and privately facing health issues. I am sure you do as well. Take a moment to light up that sky with all you've got.