None of us learn the same. Some people need to touch. Some need to see. Some need to hear. Some need a little from all of the above.
Learning should be an adventure. I give giant props and kudos to those who home-school their kids. I presume every day is a little adventure; learning on the go while also gaining valuable life skills. Obviously, we didn't go that route with our kids, but I have met enough home-schooled kids (who have let me ask them tons of questions) to see how magnificently it can work.
This is in no way taking away from the marvelous educators my kids have encountered along the way. My barometer of "the favorite teacher" is the one who is talked about at the dinner table. We've had quite a few.
I can name teachers from my own youth who impacted my world. I have had more than a few as an adult who have helped me learn life lessons.
We are ALL teachers. We are ALL learners. We are ALL gifted at something. We ALL suck at something. It's what makes us unique. It's what makes us extraordinary.
I really don't know what normal is.
Find me the most put together appearing person on the planet and I would bet you they have felt "less than" at some point in their lives.
I have a gorgeous, amazing, magnificent niece (I actually have seven of them) who recently shared she is worthy. She is not going to let the words and actions of others impact her negatively, because she is well aware she is worth it.
I clapped when I read that. (I gave her family a mental high five because so much of it starts from birth.)
Yes, sometimes, people can get into your head and somehow you declare them "right." My darling girl stayed true to herself by basically saying, "Nonsense," to anyone who chooses to think otherwise.
Bravo, my love. Bravo.
Chose to be you. Decide what your own normal is and then own it. Be extraordinary, be brave, be worthy, be love and live, live, live!
Let down your defenses
Use no common sense
If you look you will see
That this world is this beautiful
Accident turbulent succulent
Opulent permanent
No way I wanna taste it
Don't wanna waste it away