The loving thoughts are not for her; they are for her dear friends Anna, Emily and Libby. Wrung out for a million reasons, they are each hanging on by a thread due to the stress in their lives and the selfish behaviors of others.
It's interesting, not knowing them, or the details, I can still feel their need for the hug. For the love. For the lightening of their loads and the emotional burdens they are carrying.
It's a place we all have been at some point or another in this journey of life we are on.
While we're collectively sending our blessings, prayers, thoughts, love, Reiki, energy, white, pink, gold, pick your favorite color light, let's include the following people who I bet could use a jolt of positivity:
Amy ~ Evelyn ~ Kim ~ Nancy ~ Maria ~ Kathy ~ Kelly ~ Ellen ~ Steve ~ Julian ~ Kacey ~ Jake ~ Peter ~ Andrew ~ ME ~ and anyone else you want to add!