As of 8:00am this morning it is literally pouring snow. There isn't a meteorologist in the state(s) who can properly predict just how much snow we will ultimately end up with. They are forecasting anywhere from one foot of snow to three feet of snow. They are using the word epic with reverence.
The Blizzard of 1978 is being discussed at great length. I remember walking from my house on one side of town to the other side of town and the snow was up to the middle of my thighs. I lived in an area of Long Island with many canals, so without the water it was a five minute walk. With the canals it was much longer. I know it took us well over an hour to get there. I know there were two of us. Which two? I can't remember that. (Michele? Gigi? Barbara? - we were going to Patty's house.)
Today's music is a shout out to my friend Trish. She LOVES classical music. She introduced me to many great composers in our youth; I believe her love came from her dad. Enjoy this piece from Vivaldi aptly titled, "Winter."