Sometimes the friendships span decades, and sometimes they are fast and furious.
I need to bounce stuff off my people.
I have a therapist for the loop of hysteria in my head.
My friends help me sort out when things aren't quite in the hysteria range but I just need an acknowledgment that I am on the right (or wrong) path.
Deep, philosophical discussions are often tempered by fantastical laughter. This is the stuff of women who get you.
I have quoted my friend Cara before, "It's a good day when you laugh, cry, and tell someone you love them."
My colleagues at work are NEVER surprised when I am crying.
Bella will often look to me during a TV show or program to see if there is a tear rolling down my cheek. (She will then smirk...)
From Glennon Doyle Menton of Momastery:
Q: G, Why do you cry so much?
A: Because there is so much beauty & brutality to cry about - I guess I cry so much because I'm paying attention.
I laugh and I cry. A lot. I am paying attention.
The news devastates me. Twitter is always awash in whatever atrocity is happening in the world; a constant barrage of all that is wrong with the occasional nice story thrown in to keep me on it.
When I need it, I bounce stuff off of the people I value. And in the end, I always listen to my own gut. It's steered me wrong. It's steered me right. But at least I could take ownership of the good, the bad, and the ugly. AND, the beautiful.
Because the beautiful is what makes life so amazing.
Here's to laughing, crying, friends, love and listening to our own heart.