(Feel free to shower me with birthday wishes tomorrow...that would be fabulous!)
Ever since hurricane Sandy - in OCTOBER, I have been a little out of control eating wise and I have definitely slacked off with exercise.
I know when I am doing this sort of self-sabotage. (Don't we all?)
It. Has. To. Stop.
Having been on this road for a year, I KNOW what to do. It gets very easy to relax the no white flour, no sugar rule. It is even easier to remain comfy, cozy in bed at WTF-thirty when it's freezing out.
And so, I am on a 53 day mission for ME. One to grow on, if you will.
Starting on Wednesday, February 20, I will be eating as clean as I can and working out, in some way, shape or form at least five days a week. I fully expect speed bumps. I will share them, never fear.
Naturally I have the Jen's buy-in. I know the many people who work out with me will quietly (ha!) encourage me. I have my yogi Cara's buy-in. It's MY OWN buy-in that is so hard. I am going to create a separate page for this adventure - I would love it if you would stop by, check-in, join in, participate and tell me how it's going with YOU.
By stating this as an intention to you, the Jen's and the universe, I am willing to hold myself accountable. I have remained at a lovely size and weight for more than six months now. It's time to get it together and make my way from flab to fab. I have seen it happen with my girls Ellen and Janet and yes, I have seen Jen Clark's before picture. LOOK DOWN.
I know you will stand by me and support me as I start this - but first, there will be a birthday celebration! xo
PS - I defy you not to get weepy when you watch this video.