While chatting with her this morning I found out that her husband's company is closing and he will be out of work effective June 21. Great. JUST great.
Amy is in Indiana. I am in New York. It makes it hard for me to do a whole lot except share her story and get the whole wide universe sending her blessings, prayers, good thoughts, healing light and all things miraculous.
And then I thought. Crowd sourcing for fundraising. BINGO. I can do that. I can set something up and there will be instant monetary help from those who CAN.
So, without further ado, I ask you to check out the link and give what you can. No amount is to small. I mean it.
To quote my friend Mary, "Be socialable. SHARE!"
Jeff is in trucking and freight. He has a Class A CDL and right now is running an entire trucking terminal, so he can do it all. Sixth company we have worked for in 12 years that has closed. Hard to make a resume look good because it looks like you skip jobs when in truth the companies close.