It was excellent to get back to writing.
I liked my subject matter - positive affirmations.
I liked my Sunday's off - a day of rest.
I am not terribly good at writing posts ahead of time. I might have a plan, a word I like, and then, real life taps me on the shoulder, and I needed to adapt my subject matter to that.
So, in many ways, my organic writing took a backseat to writing with a purpose. Interestingly, although I had done this kind of writing before - Rumi for a month, Dave Matthews for a week, pages from the book, "Words of Wisdom for Women" for a month - this particular challenge was as hard as it was easy. Seriously, the letter "X" is a pain in the ass.
I loved reading new blogs. I have added quite a number of them to my Feedly feed for my day of frenzied reading - usually one Sunday a month where I read every post in succession.
I didn't see any significant upswing in readers as a result of the challenge. My one suggestion for next year would be to have the blog categories separated up front and have the sign up be via the blog category. For example, I am a lifestyle blogger. I love to read other lifestyle bloggers. If we were all together, I could start there and then bounce to the other types out there - writers, photographers, etc.
It's been a fun exercise and I am already thinking about next year; that equals success.
I write for myself with the hopes that someone else might connect with it. It makes my heart happy.
Thanks for coming along for the journey!
PS - music today - this was the first song that popped into my head when the theme for today was revealed. Knowing the lyrics but never really listening to them, I didn't realize how sad it was...
The way life used to be
Reflections of
The love you took from me