I had an entire rant on FB about my dog.
Suffice it to say he escaped from the back yard, through the bushes, and scampered through the neighborhood. He is utterly precious and utterly a pain in the ass with his Houdini-like abilities. And yes, love is ALWAYS the answer as is evidenced by the fact that he is still here and out of the time-out I imposed on him this morning.
Isn't it astounding how our pets can truly provide us with unconditional love? When we adopted Tucker (you KNOW I replaced that "T" with an "F" more than once this morning!) one of my friends said, "If there were a million people I imagined never getting a dog, YOU would be one million and one." I am not an animal person. But boy, oh boy, do I love this stupid, escape artist dog.
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Music today ~ All You Need is Love. OF COURSE it is! xo
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