Margo has been plugging away at the YA genre of writing for several years. She writes thrillers for teens. And guess what?! HER FIRST BOOK IS BEING PUBLISHED IN SEPTEMBER! YES, I'm yelling! For joy. For perseverance. For the hard work that goes into writing and the harder work that goes into editing.
I am unbelievably honored to have been asked to be part of her big COVER REVEAL!!
I know.
I can hardly stand it.
And YOU can win a copy of it. Details below all the good stuff here...

Thea's overprotective parents are driving her insane. They invade her privacy, ask too many questions, and restrict her online time so severely that Thea feels she has no life at all. When she discovers a new role-playing game online, Thea breaks the rules by staying up late to play. She's living a double life: on one hand, the obedient daughter; on the other, a girl slipping deeper into darkness. In the world of the game, Thea falls under the spell of Kit, an older boy whose smarts and savvy can't defeat his loneliness and near-suicidal despair. As Kit draws soft-hearted Thea into his drama, she creates a full plate of cover stories for her parents and then even her friends.
Soon, Thea is all alone in the dark world with Kit, who worries her more and more, but also seems to be the only person who really "gets" her. Is he frightening, the way he seems sometimes, or only terribly sad? Should Thea fear Kit, or pity him? And now, Kit wants to come out of the screen and bring Thea into his real-life world. As much as she suspects that this is wrong, Thea is powerless to resist Kit's allure, and hurtles toward the same dark fate her parents feared most. Ripped from a real-life story of Internet stalking, Who R U Really? will excite you and scare you, as Thea's life spins out of control.

I first met Margo at a Stampin' Up! event. She was presenting to a class and boy, she was a hoot and a half.
I loved running into her over the years and we shared a love of not only crafting, but of reading as well. Distance totally didn't matter.
Several years ago, Margo was working on a novel. She was interested in mine and in Bella's thoughts of the book.
We are useless critics. We tend to go with "I loved it," or "eh." That does NOT help the writer... For the record, we loved that book. It has not yet been published.
The Official Author Bio
Margo Kelly is a native of the Northwest and currently resides in Idaho. A veteran public speaker, Margo is now actively pursuing her love of writing. Who R U Really? is her debut novel and will be published by Merit Press in September 2014. Margo welcomes opportunities to speak to youth groups, library groups, and book clubs.
To celebrate the cover reveal for Who R U Really? Margo Kelly is giving away TWO Advance Reader Copies of the book! Visit and enter by Sunday, May 11, 2014!
(Note from Maggie - seriously, don't you think I should get at least one of those just for promoting this and everything?!)
Do you want to know even more?
Check out Margo everywhere in social media land.
Pre-Order the book HERE - do it right this second
Barnes & Noble:
(Note from Maggie - don't forget to name your favorite charity at Amazon to help them too - me, I use Suz Crew - you can too!
Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?
It took me years to write, will you take a look?