This is a reminder. To me. To you. To all of us.
I tend to get caught up in the craziness that can be life. Much of the craziness is self inflicted. I know, you're astounded by that sentence. I start off with the best intentions of staying calm, cool, and collected and then I get frenzied and harried and forget to just stop.
Take a deep breath. Hold it. Release it slowly.
When I do this even once a day, it makes a difference. Seriously. If I do it more than once a day I am all over the zen of it.
A breathing exercise can actually turn my day around and remind me that every day is amazing. I. Am. Amazing. YOU are amazing.
It is a perfect day in NY. Crisp. Clear. A slight chill in the air, even. I am going to listen to my instrumental playlist in the car ~ that will remind me to slow down, stop, take a deep breath and be grateful for the amazing.