There is no rhyme or reason on who is rude or not, or who uses their manners. I am going to stick with the theory that our kids learned everything the needed to know WAY before kindergarten - especially in light of day care and Pre-K.
Our behavior reinforces everything we teach them. Which, for me, means my kids will hold the door, use their manners, and have road rage.
My friend Jeanne - you all know her now that she's famous for her awesome quote on yesterday's Facebook page - has a terrific company based here in NY called Etiquette Advantage. She teaches people of ALL ages the somewhat lost art of manners, as only Jeanne can.
For instance, she recently worked with a group of high school students at a she-she-froo-froo restaurant on their table manners. She helps teens with the fine art of looking someone in the eyes and shaking hands, which is especially important as they start the college interview process.
Because these instructions are coming from someone who is extremely fun and delightful, the kids hear what she is saying as opposed to the blah-blah-blah when we say exactly the same thing.
To continue Laura's thoughts, what can YOU do to make someone's day brighter today?
Here's an easy start, you can "LIKE" Etiquette Advantage's Facebook page by clicking HERE!
Me? I will answer the phone with a smile among other things.
I thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for reading and responding and sharing (ooohh - that's something nice you can do!) and liking and all that jazz.
Have a NICE day!