It affects people from upstate NY to downstate NY. Read THIS article from the New York Times.
There is a petition on the New York State Department of Public Works website with over 750 public comments and that isn't enough.
By June 18 there needs to be at least 1,500.
So why am I putting it here?
Because utility companies want to put massive industrial complexes in small, residential neighborhoods. They want to obliterate baseball fields. They want to mess with the Hudson. They want to screw with our quality of life.
Many of the leaders in the municipalities are vehemently against this and are fighting it with all they have in them. They are, thankfully, being backed up by many other voices in the community.
Unfortunately, it is not enough voices.
We need help and we need it quickly.
I urge you to take some time to look into this and add your name to the PUBLIC COMMENTS (2nd tab) of the petition. Even if you don't live here but around here or for that matter, anywhere in the country.
Please add an individual comment. Do not a comment as a couple. The more comments, the better.
There is A TON of information on THIS Facebook page.
Many years ago, just after Three Mile Island, I saw Dan Fogelberg in concert. He sang this song and while singing it, urged us to gather our voices heard in response to that mess.
Now - let's get our collective voice together for THIS mess.
There's a calm at the eye of every storm
There's a light in the depths of your darkness
Let it shine...oh, let it shine