For someone like me - always questioning, always asking - the thought of the universe was really just more than I could take in. I control my fate. I control destiny. I am the keeper of my hopes and wishes and dreams and desires. Right?
THEN I met the universe and it smacked me upside my head. It only hurt a little. I found out that "the signs" of this vast amazingness have always been here, sort of sitting on my shoulder waiting for me to notice.
Admittedly, it took a long time. Now, I pay attention to the signs. I try to figure things out. Like, why do I keep seeing red cardinals? Why do blue jays sit on the branch of the bush outside my window and scream at me? Why do songs come on when they do? Why do I find oracle cards under the upstairs couch when the cards are all in the Magic Basement? (This has happened more than once... wily angels.) Why do my candles seem to surge when I talk out loud to my angel friend? The practical, skeptical me is like, "What?" The woo-woo me is like, "Bring it."
My father was known for several statements, "Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff." As someone who could easily go from zero to three thousand in a nanosecond, it took me a long time to get that. I do still enjoy a good door slam or stomping up the stairs. We will NOT discuss road rage. At least not today.
During this intense year of therapy, my therapist's favorite one word answer to nearly everything has been, "Breathe."
Cara has been focusing our yoga practice on breathing.
My lessons have been to slow down, breathe, pay attention to the signs I am being given, develop patience (I suspect this will be a lifelong journey), be grateful, and don't sweat the small stuff - because, it's all small stuff.
What do you think?