We shared what we were thankful via 2013 paper - the kids and some adults texted me something and someone they were grateful for. I read them out loud.
Some of the kids and I watched "Home Alone." I had never seen it much to the surprise of many in the room. It was made in 1990 and it still made me laugh in probably all the same places it made people laugh 23 years ago.
We ate and laughed and smiled and I personally took zero pictures. We just sat and hung out together.
We celebrated.
Today, EVERYONE in this house slept in. Peter just ambled downstairs and announced he will be eating nothing at all for the day. (I am hereby stating for the record this will be a false statement.) Bella heated up some of her Grandma Maria's foccacia and is in garlic heaven.
There was talk about hanging Christmas lights today. I believe it's been rescheduled for tomorrow.
If you had the wherewithal to go out at oh-dark-thirty this morning and brave crowds, go you. I did it once and that was more than enough for me.
If you feel like shopping from your seat and not your feet, may I suggest the beautiful jewelry of Meredith Jordan. She has a gorgeous etsy shop and you can see some of her work in the short film below.
My brother texted me this morning after I thanked him for hosting:
"Was totally kick ass - family for the win :-)"
Here's to kick ass celebrations!
PS - It's Friday, so dance to the music! (Check out the 1970 look...)