Janis is definitely one of the women in my life who always lifts me higher.
Here's the most amazing part of yesterday. I was parked in a two-hour spot. I was at the location for almost 7 hours. (They're learning; it takes a long time!) I only put in enough quarters for two hours. I knew I would have a ticket. KNEW IT. We SAW the cops making their rounds. I got to my RAV4 - NO TICKET! Plus, there was 1:29 left on the meter. A gigantic THANK YOU to whomever my Random Act of Kindness angel was.
Be with those who help your being.
~ Rumi
It is nearly "Go Time" and as a result, we are all a little crazy. I gave up a ton of responsibility this year. The women who are running with it are doing an outstanding job; are we all a little unnerved? Yup. (That's our word of the day. And motherfucker... I'm just sharing...) But, in a strange way, we ARE all remarkably calm.
We have a ton of awesome prizes. We have a ton of amazing sponsors. We have a ton of people coming - over 330!
It's all good. It's all for a great cause. And by working well together, we are helping each others beings.
Just so you know...
Oprah's words totally put this song in my head. My daughter introduced me to it. It remains a true favorite of mine.