When the time comes to make choices we often take the "safe" route. There are a million reasons, usually legitimate, as to why we do the things we do. But the fear - man, it keeps us stuck where we maybe don't want to be or doing things we don't want to do.
I can list a million things I haven't done because I have been afraid. I can equally list a million things I have done when I told fear to hush up.
It's a funny thing, as most of us know, when you tell fear to shut up you come out on the other side stronger and happier and usually more true to yourself.
I know I don't make certain choices based on what I think the reactions of others will be. Didn't I just write (yesterday, maybe?!), that really, no one gives a fat rats ass. Except for that one glorious moment of gossiping, where you can say, "REALLY! I didn't see that coming," or even better, "Humph, I can't say I'm surprised," you move on and get back to the business at hand, which is your own life.
So while fear can rule us, LOVE can equally rule us and it is far more kind and gentle than fear. I have GOT to start listening more to love and less to fear.
Has to turn form here and go
Running like a child from these warm stars
Down the seven bridges road