I think that is why this quote struck me as so important. I suggest listening to your heart ALL the time. So, why not TELL the heart that today is the best day of the year? It seems easy enough. Even when it's a rough day, if you start of believing this, it might just make a crappy day better. One day at a time.
Living one day at a time is very hard for me. I can write about it. I can talk about it. But to actually implement it? It's work. There are areas of my life that I still haven't conquered with this mantra. My respect for people in a 12-Step Program has increased by a huge margin as I have tried to live by these words. I have them hanging on the wall in my kitchen as a reminder. It doesn't work very well for me.
I would like to be able to state emphatically that today I will care for myself when it comes to food and exercise. I would like to state I will be kind to my heart and my head. I would like to state I will only spend one hour on the internet. I would like to state I will spend no time in the past and live fully in the present. OH, the things I would like to state. But my humanness, it kicks my ass. It is frustrating to feel so out of control about things I should be able to control. (The use of the word should was intentional.)
Each of us is different and the way we handle what life throws at us is different. Not right. Not wrong. Just different.
Watch the video to go along with the song. It is worth it.
EVERYDAY. It's the best day.

The texts are sporadic but happy. Seriously, how could they be anything but?!
They have been to Volcano National Park for two days of hiking and fun.
Yesterday they went to Punaluu, a black sand beach. Then they went south and went to a green sand beach. I am trying to figure out which beach Bella is on in the picture.
Today they are snorkeling.
Tonight they are headed to the summit of Mauna Kea where they will stand on top of the world's tallest mountain which rises over 31,000 feet from the ocean floor. They will watch the sun set and then they will look through telescopes to experience the wonders of the sky. The temperature from the base to the top will drop more than 40 degrees!