I am talking about life in general stuff. Not the big, huge, super-sized stuff of which I literally have no control of.
I can't control someone else. I can't control the weather. I can't control my health to a large degree, although, I can control what I eat, how much of it, and if and when I exercise. But when my time is up, it's up.
Let's face it, how many of us have heard of people having a heart attack WHILE exercising. SEE...it can kill you.
That doesn't mean I will stop all together. Even though I did. Per doctors orders.
My Achilles issue means that I can't wear certain shoes; as of yesterday I have new sneakers. I had a massage from the amazing Jen Pellingra, one of the recipients from Coffee For A Cause. I had a frank discussion with the equally amazing JC about getting back into exercise, slowly, yet again. (You calm down there Janet...) I have Cara for the yoga love. I have Cathy for the therapy. I have Mital for acupuncture and Manisha for chiropractic care. My yearly mammogram and ultrasound were taken care of last week. I am one well taken care of woman.
Even with all this support, with a rocking family, with some of the most amazing friends and acquaintances on the planet, I still need the reassurance that everything will be OK. That's the human in me, the part of me that wonders how much of this thing called life I am actually able to control. I suspect is it not all that much. ::: sigh :::
I just keep reminding myself that everything will be OK. Of course it will.
Music today - when my kids were little I always sang this (not the whole song, I didn't remember the whole song!) when they were losing their minds. I doubt they appreciated it. This is a marvelous, short version - anything with Tim Minchin always catches my attention.
Try not to turn on to
Problems that upset you,
Oh don't you know
Everything's All Right Now,
Everything's fine