So, sometimes, I just don't and can't write.
Yet, with all the horror, there is also much joy. Much love. Much hope. Much faith in whatever it is that your faith is.
My every day drivel is the every day drivel of so many. Thus, I ultimately share. My profound belief is that people are good.
I haven't mailed Christmas cards in something like three years. If you're my friend on FB or you read this blog you get a fair showing of my kids throughout the year. At this point in their lives they aren't changing all that much. The dog looks essentially the same. I LOVE each and every card I receive. LOVE THEM. I am in awe of those of you who get that done.
The fake tree has been in the living room for two weeks. For the first week the top half of the lights weren't working. That got fixed. Now, it's by its lonesome, forlornly looking for an ornament or two to be added to it.
I have bin upon bin of Christmas paraphernalia and none of the wherewithal to bring it up, set it up, bask in it for a few weeks and then put it all away.
I cannot understand how I got so much more done when the kids were little. I decided it was because of the magic of Christmas when they were younger. It had to be done. Santa was coming and my god, it WILL look like a wonderland no matter what.
In those days I telecommuted and had hour upon hour of conference calls. I couldn't get pinged on an IM as that technology didn't exist yet. And so, with my headset on and my phone attached to my body I could do tons of holiday prep work and still participate in the mind-numbing event called a conference call.
I would start baking in November. I don't even know if I have enough ingredients on hand for a full batch of Toll House these days.
My children need nothing. Zero, Zip. Zilch. Nada. Peter ordered his own gifts, had them shipped to his dorm room, then asked me to pay him back. Bella still has a pair of boots from LAST Christmas, brand new, in the box, because she hasn't treated them yet.
It is madness I say.
And yet.
And yet.
And yet, it will somehow get done.
There will still be a couple of gifts under the tree. The insanity of little kids is gone and with it come kids who want to sleep past noon and hang out in jammies all day long. It beats the 6:00AM wake-ups.
I am not alone.
This is the story in countless households across the land.
For today, I will continue to do what I can while attempting to remain in a holiday mood.
I wish *you* the same kind of day.
It astounds me what they can do with only voices.
The video is fun to watch!