When I shared with Kathy I cried when they took off the splint she comforted me. The nurse informed me that was due to the "Percocet Haze" wearing off.
When they told me I would have to have six weeks of Occupational Therapy three times a week, I got a little scared. When the doctor showed me what I need to do at home I got a little anxious. Every time throughout the day when I did the exercises I got a bit nauseous.
Elaine stopped by and gave me a few tips. THAT helped.
There isn't really anything to be afraid of; there isn't anything broken anymore!
Fearless here I come...
OT starts this Friday afternoon.
Stitches come out next Tuesday morning.
Bella leaves for Alaska Tuesday afternoon.
Today I went to the salon because Kathy understands if your hair looks good, you will feel good. Carol colored and highlighted and express blow-dried and cut my hair. It looks so good - it was that bad, I can assure you, but Carol performed a little miracle.
My friend Megan was at the salon getting her hair done and she drove me home.
The kids come home tonight from Italy. I can't wait to hear about their adventures and see the pictures.
Peter and Marco leave in the morning for Saratoga for a baseball tournament.
It's me and Bella for a few days.
The intention of preparing the food is the love. I thought I made that clear.
I also need to say that the gift cards to Domino's (HOW excited was Peter), and Cole's Market were given with love. The plant. The flowers. The Oprah magazine with a writing exercise I will be doing later on. The visits. The phone calls. The texts. The emails. The cheering about the one armed bra success. The cards from friends and clients. Driving me hither and yon. Checking in.
I do feel the love and I know how extraordinarily lucky I am to have such an impressive group of people who care about me.
Carol asked me today when I was coming back to work. I told her when I could use a pen again I would be able to think about it. I still think it's a little while away.
So I will continue to use this time to BE. By myself, with my thoughts, sleeping more than I have slept in years. In the quiet of my brain and my house. Surrounded by a family that selflessly takes care of me when I needed to be cared for.
Did I fall or was I pushed? Was I climbing the curb up towards my future? Was the fact that I only had one hand to eat with the reason I needed to only eat when hungry and to only eat good food? I have lost a significant amount of weight. Go figure.
In any event, I am letting myself be fearless and working it all.
Climb it!
You say you'd like to see me try,
Climb it!
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
And I'll climb
The hill in my own way
Just wait a while, for the right day