I invite you to join me daily as I explore a word that inspires me and speaks to me in some way, shape, or form.
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I suppose I touch on the same topics more than once as a reminder to myself to stay on top of the qualities I like to have as well as the behaviors I would like to shed.
Being thankful and grateful have become who I am and how I behave. It is so easy to get pulled into the world of naysayers and negativity. It is just as easy to participate in positive activities and rainbows, unicorns and glitter.
Taking a moment to practice gratitude, to say thank you - in my head or out loud or on paper, makes the rest of my day better.
- I am grateful I have this forum to share my beliefs.
- I am grateful anyone other than me reads this.
- I am grateful for the women who have come in and out of my life - lifting me up when I needed it and being there for me.
- I am grateful for my family for making me laugh and love out loud all the time.
- I am grateful to share a partnership with Kathy at the salon.
- I am grateful for the salon ~ it is an avenue I never saw myself walking down and my word, it's fun.
- I am grateful for technology. Except for when I am not.
- I am grateful I have a home to live in, food in my cupboards, and the ability to pay my bills.
- I am grateful for my health. Every. Single. Day.
- I am grateful for all of you.
Naturally, this is but a partial list...
Your turn.
How about me enjoying the moment for once
How about how good it feels to finally forgive you
How about grieving it all one at a time