You all recall this is a dream come true for Kathy. I am so delighted to be along helping her with her dream while she in turn helps me with my own each and every day.
You would be hard pressed to find a better partnership. Seriously.
We knew when the time came for the party we wanted to work with local businesses. Each and every person we are working with is a client of the salon.
HOW cool is that?
Flowers will be in colorful abundance from Sunshine & Clover.
A wide assortment of beverages will be on tap.
A tremendous variety of hors d'oeuvres will be devoured courtesy of Cole's Market. We also have the pleasure of three members of their renowned wait staff to help keep food moving.
Baked by Susan is baking an obscene amount of mini cupcakes.
Photographs will be taken by the immesenly gifted Rana Faure.
If you are around tomorrow night, I invite you to join us as we toast our new business, as we toast our supremely talented staff, as we honor our clients, and as we welcome new faces.
I haven't gotten any updates lately, but you know I always only want all good energy and thoughts out to Kim ~ Kelly ~ Nancy ~ Steve ~ Jullian ~ and of course, my Amy.
Feel free to add people to our powerful circle of love whenever you want to!
Right now, in our small community, there is a proposed pipeline project, as well as a project involving the burial of high voltage cables. It will affect communities throughout Westchester.
It is beyond awful. Despite the discussions about this since last November many people remain unaware of this.
This WILL affect the quality of our lives.
I mean it.
I implore you to educate yourself about this.
HERE is a quick article.
I couldn't attend the rally last night, but HERE is a snippet of the rally that I implore you to watch.
Then, I equally implore you to sign the PETITION. Go to Public Comments and add your voice. Literally, just write the words, "Enough is enough" and sign it.
Back in my youth, when I had crazy amounts of cleaning or planning to do, Billy Idol was my go-to guy. I would crank up the stereo and get it done.
Planning the party has been like planning a wedding without a seating chart.
I am not about to take out my's a little Billy to kick start this day!
It's a nice day for a white wedding!
It's a nice day to start again.