I took a bath to soak and then a shower to rinse. I washed my hair.
And now, almost four hours later, I am zonked.
The reminder that I was under general anesthesia and had surgery just five days ago hit me. Hard.
I have to just be. Heal. Rest.
Thankfully, today is a top ten day to feel the wind go through the house, listen to the drone of lawn mowers, hear the chirping of the birds and smile while listening to the pool shenanigans happening in the surrounding pools.
Yesterday, I caught up on some of my favorite bloggers.
And totally non-coincidentally (naturally) there were themes that resonated with me.
I was using this quote today and literally, just a minute ago when I went to snag her URL, I saw this on my friend Lisa's glorious blog, Curious Girl:
everything that slows us down and forces patience,
everything that sets us back into the slow circles of
nature...is an instrument of grace.
-may sarton
I have HAD to slow down. I have HAD to sit and be.
In the same piece, Lisa wrote, " for so many years, i thought that slowing down meant giving up and being lazy and i allowed life to force me to slow down (or smack me down in some cases) through stress, critical setbacks or losses and sometimes being unwell"
So. THIS is grace. Well alright.
Just today, another friend, Shareane from Intentions Jewely (see the shop here page) wrote:
Everyday, yes everyday I have to remind myself to forgive. In the process of living our life we will get hurt-sometimes it is intentional and sometimes it is unconsciously but hurt is hurt-and of course there is ego. Everyday, I ask for the grace to forgive-and to forgive myself as well. Sometimes I don't make it but usually I do. We are human and it takes persistence and your intention to create the moment, hour, day, the life you wish for .
May today be a golden day for you.
I am experiencing radio silence from them, as I should.
Peter has posted one picture on Instagram...of pizza.
Bella won't even accept my request to follow her. Brat.
I am certain they are having the time of their lives and enjoying every sight, smell, and taste to the fullest.
Happy Saturday.
May it be full of grace.