This picture was taken at The Buckley Family Christmas at my sister Jane's house on Sunday. Peter looks darn studious in his glasses - his eyes burned after a PS4 marathon from Christmas night until 10:00AM the 26. Ah, youth...
The kids had their own event at our house. The Magic Basement was converted from a place of la-la to a Scattagories and a Pong Tournament space. I woke up this morning to bodies sleeping on every couch and chair in the house. I am grateful my kids are happy to be here, their friends are happy to be here and that they are responsible enough to sleep here and then head en masse to the diner for breakfast/lunch/whatever.
Another thing I am doing is getting rid of the hundreds of CDs I have collected over the years and frankly, not listened to in probably five years. Pandora and iTunes allow me to customize what I love and listen to, so why take up all the space of CDs. Enter the app, decluttr. Using your phone, you scan in the bar codes from your music CDs, games and movies, and they tell you what they will pay you. You box it. You print a shipping label - THEY PAY FOR SHIPPING (!), and then you bring it to your local UPS store. How convenient that my local store is four doors down from the salon. THEN, they send you a check. Sweet Baby James, I don't care that it's an average of 0.3¢ per CD. That's more than I got for them just sitting here gathering dust. I still need to figure out what to do with the CDs that don't have bar codes or that they don't take, but in the meantime I am delighted to be down 237 CDs and counting.
There is a great blog piece I came across last week entitled 200 Things to Throw Away. It's not a scary list at all. I took a look at it and I have begun and/or have done an awful lot that is on the list already. Since it's the first of the year, I thought I would share it. We'll compare notes NEXT January to see how we all did.
I am reading Shonda Rhime's tremendous book Year of Yes. Her writing is as amusing and genius as her TV shows. It is THE perfect book to start the New Year off on. Slay your dragons, kiss away your fears and just say yes to that which scares you. I highly recommend it.
I am not a resolution maker. I never have been. I do set intentions now and again. And I write stuff down because frankly, once it's "out there" in the universe I can just wait for stuff to happen. I am realistic enough to know I have to work hard too. I think hard work coupled with a purpose is a powerful combination.
Here's to 2016. May it be magical. May it be abundant. May it keep bodies and minds healthy. And may love be the strongest force we share. I look forward to greater connections and lots of inspiration from the people I learn from. May your inner light shine bright.