I have a friend who I firmly believe was my "life sponsor" for several months. One of their most admirable skills is as a tremendous listener. As a result, I could (and did) go on and on and on about my thoughts and ideas. My friend would interject when something really struck a chord, always with sage and useful advice. My friend also shut me down when I got down on myself. Because I truly respect them, and their life experiences, it allowed me to actually inspire myself.
I think I listen to myself pretty well. I listen when the self talk is lovely and when it turns to stinkin' thinkin', which is never a good thing. So, if I can be still, if I take the time to journal, if I can take the 16 minutes to meditate, if I can elliptical to nowhere for a while, I can shut myself up and inspire myself.
What do YOU do to inspire yourself? Maybe we can come up with some good strategies to help ourselves.