When you couple intentions with goals it can be very powerful.
I have stated on my "53 for Me" blog that I have had very few "perfect" eating days. If I had resolved to do so, I would have quit all of this a year ago. However, since Jen explained so succinctly in her article the point of intending to eat more healthy (for the rest of my life) I have never beaten myself up in the 15 months since this journey began. I have absolutely fallen off the wagon. I have had days of sugar highs. And that's OK. My family tends to live until their 90's. I am not going to freak out about something in my 50's, on one day that may cause me to not have that flat stomach I have frankly, never had. When I put that malted egg in my mouth I am fully aware I am doing so. And I move on.
When I started the great purge of the basement I made it my intention to get it cleared out. Can you imagine if I had resolved to do so? I'd still be looking at the pile of over 200 stamp sets on the floor. My internal goal was to be done before my first "real" class in the Magic Basement. That is going to be on April 12. Cross that off the list.
My next intention is to get my newsletter out by tomorrow morning with all the dates and descriptions of my classes. My goal is to figure out Mail Chimp so I can create what I want. So far, I am falling short of that goal. If it doesn't look exactly what I want it to look like - oh well. I still need to get the information out there. (And, if anyone is really proficient with Mail Chimp and is willing to talk me through it, that would be a bonus.)
My goals these days are manageable and doable over time.
- Beat my time from last year on the 5k on April 20.
- Get my stamina up enough to have JC declare me able to go to CKO Kickboxing school and become a teacher.
- Get the other side of the basement cleared too.
- Get a job that pays me enough money so perhaps I can save some to put towards space for TGHR.
- Get that space.
- Continue to listen to my heart even when my head is sometimes yelling the total opposite of what my heart needs.
- To start to my book.
- To get over my fear and get the first retreat planned already.
So...what about YOU? Please feel free to share, comment, and/or state your intentions or goals.