I wrote most of this last night. I am running it because I need some dancing, laughter and love to balance out the incomprehensible craziness of this week.
Peter came downstairs this morning and says, "One's dead." Huh? I haven't had my second cup of coffee. He has up to the second news thanks to Twitter. The TV is not on in the morning in my house. So, naturally I turned it on. Boston is in lockdown An entire city and the surrounding communities facing the wrath of a madman who is sure to be even more incensed now that his cohort is dead. I turned the TV off. He turned it back on. I drove Bella to school. The TV was still on when I got back from that 90 second trip. Peter left for school, I turned the TV back off.
I. Can't. I really just can't.
I spent MANY, many, many weeks in Boston commuting from LaGuardia to Boston for work. I love the city, the people, the Boston Marriott Long Wharf, Faneuil Hall, and Marco's cousins restaurant in the North End, Lucia's - where I would meet his cousin, Lucia, for dinner every so often, to name just a few things.
Facebook status updates include parents of kids in college in Boston. Family members who live where the suspect may or may not be. Pleas for safety. Reminders of how much they love their people.
Be safe Boston. I know you're already Boston Strong. And when you're ready, I invite you to my dance party. xo
- I have eaten well.
- I have worked out like an athlete.
- I have cheered on the girls varsity lacrosse team. I missed baseball because of LAX, so in case you're wondering, that team did fine too.
- I celebrated Bella getting inducted into the Italian Honor Society and I listened to Peter speak a language I don't understand at the same ceremony.
- I taught a beautiful woman a vision board class yesterday.
- I actually read a few pages in People magazine for the first time in months.
- I watched The Voice, Castle, SMASH and whatever else I had lined on up Hulu. Note that none of it is "heavy."
- I wrote a blog piece for a possible job assignment that was well received.
- I received likes and comments for my own pieces (feeling the love).
- AMY called me!
- Prayers WERE answered.
- Healers did their thing.
- LOVE, love, love along with peace was the call to action of my week.
And so, I say, with gusto, "Let's dance!"