Today's the big day. She turns the big 5-0.
Last week when she stopped at the salon with Annemarie I innocently (wink, wink) asked Am what she was doing hanging out with Jane for the day. Jane replied, "HELLO? Do you not know what Thursday is?!"
I lived with Jane for around 19 years and I have been living with Bella for 17. I have learned that Gemini Girls start celebrating their next birthday the day after their last birthday.
Jane's love of family is legendary.
Jane's love of family get together's is equally legendary.
Jane's love of friends is on par with her love of family.
Jane's love of socializing is epic.
Jane's love of travel and exploration and wonder is an astounding gift she has shared with her family.
If you need someone in your corner, trust me, you will pray it is Jane.
When shit hits the fan, Jane will be the clean-up crew.
If you need a cheerleader for your cause, her pom-poms will be raised in the air and she will use her best Oprah voice to make people sit up and pay attention.
If you need absolutely ANYTHING in the color purple, Jane is the go to person.
Jane is the passionate co-chair for the Yorktown Relay for Life. Her biggest wish is that EVERYONE who fights this insidious disease gets to celebrate more birthday's. Jane is also just a tad bit competitive, and so, if you can find it in your heart to help her raise a little more money to do so, I for one would be so grateful AND it would be THE best birthday gift Jane could get and well, you, YOU would get a tax write-off along with feeling pretty satisfied you did something fabulous.
Click HERE to go directly to her donation page.
Come on, do it now while it's on your mind.
Donate the price of today's cup of coffee, or lunch, or a glass of wine.
And yet another day of win-wins!
And so Jane, the baby of the Buckley girls is now 50.
(My mother is so horrified by this fact because she too damn young to have kids this old.)
Please join me in wishing her THE happiest of birthday's. I don't have enough positive adjectives to describe Jane, but by now, you know I adore her.
Have the best Birthday, Sweet Jane!
I love you to the moon and back.
Seem to whisper to me when you smile