Somehow, some way, all of the files disappeared off of my laptop. I brought the laptop in for a new keyboard two weeks ago. I put some of my files on a flash drive. When I dropped off the laptop I was told my hard drive wouldn't be touched at all. Excellent.
I picked up the laptop late Saturday evening. I knew I had folders that I had made changes in, SO, I deleted them and re-added them from the flash drive. At no point did I touch that file.
So, naturally I deleted everything off of the flash drive.
YESTERDAY, I went to add a little something in the files, look at what I had written and maybe even add a page or two.
THERE WAS NOTHING IN THE FOLDER. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch.
I am loath to admit I do not back up this computer either. I will get myself an external hard drive and start to do so.
I am disgustingly on top of CCleaner. I ran it Saturday as a matter of fact. OF COURSE I DID.
So, I am trying a program called Recuva, praying I can get it all back. This is how it looked two minutes ago on my desktop. I believed I was running the program all night. It's at 18% with an estimated time left of TWO DAYS. I'm thinking the files must be there. If they're not, well, there are no coincidences and maybe THAT wasn't the book I was supposed to write.
The video is priceless - it must be the 70's based on the sweaters.