It is Red Ribbon week, so the police were speaking about being drug free during gym classes, IN the high school, when the call came in.
Since the high school dismisses at 2:07 it was pretty evident this was not a drill. As a precaution, the elementary school next door was locked down as well.
Our little community is far from alone in this happening. A friend in Arizona had the same thing going on yesterday at her kids elementary school.
Bella grabbed her phone as soon as she knew what was happening. She was able to text me. She shared her phone with friends so they too could reassure their parents.
We received phone calls, emails, and the Superintendent tweeted. Kids who had phones absolutely stayed in touch with their parents.
And yet, people still were pissed about how much info was shared. It was not enough. They didn't know their middle school kids would be five minutes early coming home. Really? You're going to go off on FB over five minutes? I really am too old for this kind of bitching. They wanted the down and dirty details.
This is not TV people.
This was real life and it was happening. Teachers who were protecting your kids were on one floor while their own kids were on another floor, or in another local school. Teachers who are spouses were on different floors. A very pregnant teacher remained under a chem lab desk for the entire ordeal. Meg, our Athletic Director remained in a closet with two students during the entire ordeal. Everyone was literally ON THE FLOOR or in a SAFE spot huddled together. Keeping our kids safe.
I would imagine every single person involved in the lock downs had an adrenalin rush the likes of which I cannot fathom as I was home, grateful they were protecting Bella as best they could.
That is what I appreciate. The caring. The protecting. The guidance. People teach because they love to teach. They love the kids. To my knowledge, I don't think there is a basic training course in what to do during a lock down when they are getting their teaching certificate.
So rather than whine about how much information you received, write an email to the person that kept your kids calm. Thank them. I suspect there wasn't enough wine in their homes to calm THEM down last night.
Go over it with your kids. What to do. How to act. Even though I've done this, I honestly don't know HOW I would act. I suspect I would cry. I know I would shake. I might be wishing I was wearing Depends.
Thank you, Corinne Rogulski for keeping Room 234 safe from harm. For holding Bella close to your heart. For remaining calm when you probably wanted to have a breakdown of your own.
I imagine it's how the staff of the schools felt.