It reminded me of the post I wrote about Soul Mates. Nearly five months later I am still ponder this; daily. It is exhausting to live in my head. Some days it's easier than others.
At work last week, I had a discussion about fate. Did I believe in it? Yes, I do. The person I was talking to didn't start out believing in fate, but as they have gotten older they have discovered too many things that point in that direction.
When I was a teenager, more than one of my friends had the words on this poster hanging in our room:
Others take up real estate in your heart and your head for eons.
Go figure.
Fate? Soul Mate? The Universe? Coincidences? Bad timing? Excellent timing? Just the way things work out? What do *you* think?
The life to guide
Your faith decides
The world's your goal to find
The rest of the lyrics can be found HERE
YouTube video can be found HERE
I did light yoga yesterday. Baby steps. Again. And that's all right.