Now, I am not saying we have to love each other in a romantic way - that would get crazy. And I am not saying we have to love each other and all live together and sing Kum Ba Yah. But seriously people, we all bleed red. When you look at our skeletons, we are pretty identical. I am not asking everyone to even like one another, because let's face it, sometimes like is harder than love. But WHAT is so hard about tolerance? Kindness? Love in the broadest sense? I don't get it.
My friend Patrice is a gifted writer and mother of three amazing kids. Her middle child is Peter. He has autism and Patrice writes a blog about her experiences raising him. Her response to the letter is heartfelt. I urge you to read it, savor it and share it. You can do so HERE.
So for today, put aside the bullshit and just love. In the general sense. For the good of humanity and for the good of your own heart. Smile at every person you come across today. And if you only see yourself, smile at yourself after you brush your teeth. Spread some love. Spread some cheer. Reach out to someone to tell them you love them - you might not want to do that to someone randomly - but to someone sincerely, who you may not have told in a while.
Go forth and love.
You bruise me
We both bruise too easily
Too easily to let it show
I love you and that's all I know