Our house felt empty and each one of continued to look for him whenever we came home.
And then, frankly, it was kind of nice to be able to do whatever the heck we wanted for however long we wanted without the worry of having to be home in time to take care of a pet.
In some way, each of us kept tabs on the puppies going up for adoption in the general area. We were scheduled to go THE DAY AFTER we put Tuckie down. (I'm the one who instigated it. And stopped it the next morning.)
The messages of pictures of puppies went in and out of our phones on an hourly basis. For months.
Finally, Marco and I decided we were going to meet Titan. He was a rottie/lab mix. I wrote to the woman and asked to meet him that evening. EXCEPT, I was on my cell and actually replied to Marco. (insert eye roll) When I realized the error of my ways, four hours later, he had already been adopted that afternoon.
Enter A Good Dog Rescue of Canine Kindergarten. And their adoption day coming up on Sunday. And no children at the manor.
We welcomed Rockie and Burlie on Sunday, January 27. The kids were brought on board via FaceTime. The squeals from Bella's house were fantastic!
They were born August 18, 2018 - we got them at five months old and they slept through the night from the first night on.
Our days have been as endless as the love they have for us and us for them. They were named for Rochester and Burlington, the cities our children went to college.
They have fabulous personalities. Rockie is a giant mush who wants everyone to pet her belly. She will flop down in a second and be your best friend. She has a distinctive "voice" and you know her growl-talk. Burlie looks all innocent but she is a sneak attacker who will tackle Rockie when all Rockie wants to do is relax. She has a high pitched whine and bark and we know when she has something to say as well. These ladies have a lot on their mind and they are willing to share.
(Click on the pictures to see them full size with captions.)

So much so that I actually went yesterday to meet another puppy, Punky Brewster.
Then I came home to mayhem and reminded myself I didn't want to be outnumbered with kids so the same should hold true for pets.
One of YOU, please. Adopt her.