I woke up and felt the need to have a pity party. Not a long one. Just a poor, poor, woe is me moment.
And then the miracles kicked in.
Because this is how my life works. I just so happened to hear from my therapist, and Kathy, and my friend Elaine all before I could win an award for leading actress in a drama.
Elaine is a famous Athletic Trainer (really). And that's all fine and dandy, but, more importantly, she is one of my dearest friends. So she came by and hooked me up on how to properly ice the arm AND how to elevate it. THAT has made a huge difference in just a few hours.
I have heard from the specialist and will be seeing him on Friday at 10:30. Surgery may or mat not be needed - BUT - since the bone is shattered, it's looking like i may need to have a bone replacement.
Go big or go home, right?!
He has been an enormous help today when I truly needed it.
Music today...well, it works!