I own a salon. A place of respite for many. This means I have to keep my emotions on the state of this country in check because I have been surprised by people I truly like day in and day out. I want to keep enjoying our clients whatever their political beliefs.
With that said, I know the clients who stand on the same side I do. We find each other, you know.
The same holds true for my friends and family members. I will not cut people I adore out of my life because of their vote. I WILL cut people out of my life for spewing bullshit, for hurting those I love, for hijacking my FB page, or for suddenly becoming a person I no longer recognize. But one vote cannot undo years and years of love. It's not the way I am wired.
It probably helps that I listened to millions of minutes of podcasts to stay sane during these times. Oh, and I remembered to keep breathing.
Last Saturday I watched (on FB at the salon) in true awe as women and men I know from ALL OVER THE GLOBE marched. I wept with each post. When CNN showed the crowds from city to city I couldn't keep my shit together. It was magnificent. My sister Jane went to NYC along with so many women I admire, and they all were MY voice. (Especially Jane flash mobbing "This Little Light of Mine" on the train!)
Bless them. ALL of them. And the ACLU. And every. single. person. doing something, anything to make people pay attention.
This morning I watched an episode of black-ish that impacted me deeply. In 22 minutes they conveyed every emotion I felt about this election powerfully and beautifully. Even if you have never watched this show I implore you to watch this. Click HERE to be inspired.
In order to make a small contribution to the betterment of the world, I quietly go about my life doing little acts to make my heart and head clear.
Creating the retreat for next week, a day of true inner vision, is one of those acts and it is dear to my heart. If this interests you, you can check out the details HERE. Feel free to pay at the door.
If next week is not good for you, I encourage you to join Kacey and Elizabeth at their event on Sunday, February 12 in Peekskill. Details for their event, Love - A Woman's Empowerment Workshop can be found HERE.
My therapist and friend Cathy is hosting a weekend retreat, Your True Hearts Desires, March 10-12. Her retreats are life affirming and most excellent for the soul. Details for her retreat are HERE.
On Thursday, Carole King re-released her song, "One Small Voice" and made it free for a downloading. Read her letter to the world HERE.
Love has to win. Seriously.