Despite my tendency to chat with nearly anyone on the planet, I am a very discreet person. I am honored to be privy to many of my friend's stories. I don't share them unless I can be vague about it or if I have permission to do so.
Every once in a while, I screw up.
I did so recently and the result was a friend ended up very angry with me. It was most certainly not intentional. It was most certainly not done maliciously. I shared their story to help with my own story, but, in the end, it was not my story to tell.
I did apologize. I did say I was so very sorry. I don't know if they have forgiven me. I hope they will.
My sincere hope is that my friend knows I never set out to hurt them or make them angry or uncomfortable. My hope is that they know just how much I love them and THAT is the feeling they have when they think of me.
Have you ever experienced this?
Music is called "Through New Eyes" ~ a gorgeous piano piece.