Suz Crew was founded by the amazing Kelly (logo designer) after her mom, Suzanne, died last year from the horrific cancer, LMS.
Our mission is simple. We want to financially assist families who are fighting all types of cancers. Watching someone you love suffer is powerful motivation to help others.
And so, in a serendipitous moment, both of these amazing women got to meet and hug. (Cait was somewhere in the crowd watching.)
If you are irritated by every rub, how can you be polished?
~ Rumi
Today we have lost an hour of sleep. That might make you irritable. If it does, try to take a moment and shake it off. Be a little kinder than necessary.
You might not be moved to start a foundation, but you might be moved to make a donation to a cause that will make your heart happy.
Let me know if you did! A lot of people doing a little adds up to magical amounts.