Normally, I can whip out a blog post in an hour or so.
Normally, I can write without having to think.
But these past few days I have been sitting on a ray of sunshine and love.
Let me tell you.
It was all we hoped it would be and more.
(Get cozy)
The Health & Happiness Show is Kacey's joy. Her newest joy is Shine On, her Reiki studio.
Demitra is a gifted, spiritual astrologer and she shares her messages via inspirational talks and through her website. It is her joy.
So, imagine the three of us have a theme, "A New Year. A New Attitude."
Next, imagine that we are all busy women attempting to get through the holidays (The salon was buzzing!!) and we never talk about what we're doing except in very vague terms.
Probably, because like when we were in school, we might have been saving some of it for the last minute.
Now, if you've seen the salon (what? you haven't? - go check it out - I'll wait), you know it is a beautiful space. I had imagined setting it up in one manner and then when I worked on Saturday I knew it would never work. I was going to have the guests facing the front of the salon. BIG sun glare issue. So, I re-imagined it in my head and moved it all around. It was an excellent move.
At one point we had 36 amazing and beautiful and fantastic women in the space. It was sacred. It was humming. It. Was. Awesome.
Well, there we were, in a gorgeous, safe, sacred space sharing our stories. Talking about the life events that shaped us.
I opened the day - not the way the program said I would, because that would have been too predictable, but in a nice way.
We had over 30 women and ONE bathroom. HUGE shout out to NYSC for allowing us to use their restrooms so there wouldn't be a super long wait. That needed to be addressed.
I took attendance via raffle tickets - yes, we had prizes!
I knew Kacey was using a script. She's a radio host and an actress. I knew Demitra was using bullet points she keeps in her head. I knew I didn't want to miss certain points and after going back and forth a number of times about what to do!what to do!what to do! the script won.
I admitted to being a little intimidated because I was basically doing my version of a TED Talk, a MAG Talk if you will. Not with a teleprompter and a nice Power Point clicker in my hand (next year), but with a stack of paper, 18 point font double spaced. I was used to speaking off the cuff.
Both my sisters were in the room and some of my nearest and dearest friends. It is unnerving to tell your story when some people know the majority of it. You wonder if you have something worth saying.
My talk, "Are you there God? It's me, Maggie," began, "Today we are sharing our stories. The stories of who we are and how we got here. Our journey and the map that we took. My map is a twisting, turning, zig zag of left turns, right turns, wrong turns and U turns."
I will share that it is a powerful feeling to sense that the room gets you. When they laugh where I hoped they would. When they tear up when I thought they might. When they cried with me.
There was a sort of tense silence when I finished. Like all anyone wanted to do was breathe. So I added a short breathing exercise and then asked everyone to hug the person behind them, next to them, in front of them. THEN the tears fell and it was beautiful.
We took a little while to continue to hug each other no matter where we were, to get some water, coffee, tea and of course, wait on line for the restroom.
Kacey was up next. If you live in the Hudson Valley and listen to ANY of the stations owned by Pamal Broadcasting, you KNOW Kacey's voice. She is the voice in the morning on WHUD, 100.7 with Mike Bennett.
Kacey hosts her Sunday morning inspirational show, The Health & Happiness Show at 6:30am. I know, it seems early, BUT, it is always streaming on her website. You *must* check it out. I can think of more than a few people who would love her show before the holidays about angels.
In addition, Kacey has opened a Reiki studio in Cold Spring called Shine On. She is sharing her healing light, her warmth and her talents. Make an appointment.
Kacey is a walking, talking inspiration to those who know her and most certainly to those who follow her shows and get treated by her.
Kacey's talk was was entitled, “Everything I Need to Know About Life I Learned From Being On The Radio.” It was her life lessons with music bits interspersed at all the right times.
HER sister was in the room. It was a family day.
I was riveted.
Smile. Yes, smile when you are on the radio - your listeners know when you are. I usually smile when I answer the phone. If you don't already, try it.
Say NO to good and YES to the best. No, Kacey didn't coin that phrase, but she learned to LIVE the phrase and my god, how important is that?
Be at one with nature. Appreciate the warmth of the rose light as the sun rises in the sky at oh-dark-thirty.
Get rid of ear worms - you know, the music that gets stuck in your head, by having something in your head that is a powerful reminder of your beauty and grace.
You CAN bring church to a salon with a 30 second clip of "How Great Thou Art." Have tissues nearby.
ASK. Ask and you will receive.
Have an exit plan. Know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. (Those are my words, and of course, Kenny Rogers.)
Bullies CAN become your best friend.
You ARE Beautiful.
And show the world all the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You're gonna find, yes, you will
That you're beautiful as you feel
It was time for lunch. I loved watching people interact with old and new friends. I loved chatting with all of these amazing women. I loved connecting on a level that was human, spiritual, funny and real.
After lunch it was Demitra's turn.
Demitra is SO very gifted. She is esoteric, and brilliant, and connects to you on a gut level.
Each morning, at 6:45, Kacey shares Demitra's horoscopes on WHUD. How's THAT for synchronicity?
Each day Demitra posts the day's horoscopes on her website, Heaven to Earth Astrology. In addition, Demitra hosts a new moon tele-seminar that is not to be missed. And don't worry if you can't be there at the air time. You will get a recording delivered right to your inbox.
Demitra started by having us join hands, say our names, close our eyes and reflect on what was being created by our willingness to BE on that Sunday.
Demitra shared her insight with us about what was happening in the celestial skies and how it affects us. How our birth sign joins with all the other planets at the second we are born, and where we are born, and how THAT will determine so much of our behavior.
(If I took a picture of my basement RIGHT this second, that theory would go right out the window!)
Here's the picture.
Then Demitra took us on a guided meditation to our future selves. Mine kicks ass, in such a good way.
It was time to breathe. Deeply and emotionally.
When Demitra was done I told everyone a little something.
We are all human. We are all in the same communities. And we can be judgy (not a real word...too bad, it works) of others. BUT, when we know their stories, when we've seen their soul through tears, when we have shared, and laughed, and broken bread together, that shit goes out the window.
We see love at 10:00 at night in the A&P when we meet with our sweats on, no make up, and a sense of frustration that we are even out at that hour AT the stupid store.
At no point before our event did the three of us discuss what we were going to say. That we ALL talked about the same topics in our own unique, special way is grace.
We left a very cleaned up salon. THANK YOU, thank you, thank you to one and all for your help. A HUGE shout out to Barbara, Theresa and Donna. You are so generous and helpful and I wouldn't have been as calm if you hadn't swooped in like catering angels and did your thing.
The three of us headed to the Croton Diner for something like three hours afterward. We were illuminating the diner from our own inner joy. What an ah-maze-ing day.
I came home and we immediately created a Facebook Group because we just needed to stay connected. It was THAT powerful.
This will be a monthly event. One month in Croton at the salon, until we outgrow it (we have figured out maximum capacity is 40) and the following month in Cold Spring at Kacey's Reiki studio. We may end up in NYC at some point with Demitra.
No, the three of us aren't always going to speak.
In that room were 33 other women with stories to inspire. In our lives there are 33 million people who can share. Contact us if YOU want to inspire. Please!
We will never be boring, I can promise that!
I will have a page each month with what's coming up next.
Put February 15 on your calendar for Cold Spring. Bad weather? Take the train up and cab it to the studio.
As for me, I am dreaming up the details and dates to FINALLY create TGHR's three day retreat.
I don't know if Kathy will keep me as her partner if I cook this up, I hope so. I was out just a few weeks last year...
I hope this gives you a sense of what it's like to be a part of a community brought together for the single purpose of sharing love. I hope you join us next time. We'd love to have you.
PS - music today. The first time I ever heard this song I was driving in my car. I had no idea what he was saying. But by 2:40 I was weeping. I put it on repeat. For days. I almost prefer not knowing the lyrics. It is the pure emotion in his voice that beings me to my knees and allows me to rejoice in his great gift. The full lyrics are in the "more" section of the video.