And yet, I still love life. I still want my kids to embrace all it has to offer. I would love to shield them from the madmen of the planet who think it's OK to blow people up.
Peter was five days into kindergarten when 9/11 happened. He told me just the other night that he remembered seeing the towers going down on the kitchen TV. I was appalled. HOW? He said they came inside from the bus, the TV was on and I quickly turned it off as soon as I realized it. So much for innocence.
I know we are doing the same thing here, with our kids. Although Bella might disagree - but, she is now the teen and I am now the parent and as such, I am really just such a pain in her ass. I get it. (Oh, and road rage doesn't count, right?)
I can recall a conversation I had with my mother a hundred years ago. It went something like this:
Me: "I am never having children. This is a crazy world."
Peg: "It's always been a crazy world. I can't imagine NOT having children."
THAT conversation has stayed with me since we had it. And like my mother before me, I cannot fathom not having Peter and Bella.
Each of us has the power to evoke change. Even if it's just in our own homes. Not everyone is cut out to lead a rally, or march on Washington, or write a piece about peace, or speak eloquently about it. Do what you can from where you sit.
With love and peace,
I remain so hopeful for our futures,