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I have a number of wall quilts including one my Nana made when she was pregnant with one of her kids. (At least that's what I've been told.)
I have the quilt I got for Peter before he was born.
I have a beautiful one I got for my 40th birthday in Hawaii.
I read the entire Elm Creek Quilt series by Jennifer Chiaverini over a summer and I swear to you, that is part of how TGHR came to be. If ONLY I had an old mansion that someone I loved was living in and willing to let be converted to a retreat house. ::: sigh :::
We had the sweetest taste of spring this weekend. Today, it is rainy and gray. Cuddle up under a quilt. It will warm your soul.
An everlasting vision of the everchanging view
A wondrous woven magic in bits of blue and gold
A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold