The truth is, we are ALL royal; it's a mater of perception.
TODAY, wear your crown, whether it is visible or not. Stand proud in your body, do work for good, send good thoughts to the people in the land governing like crazy people.
Regardless of your political affiliation, there are things you can do for those who are hurting by the way the government is playing it's hand right now. I pray for all of them to ultimately be guided by common sense and their innate sense of right and wrong. If you feel the need to do something, Jenny Lawson wrote a terrific blog piece yesterday with practical suggestions. Check it out.
Most of the people who read this blog live in the United States. We live in a democracy where there is a lot of throwing of sand in the sandbox these days. Adults are having temper tantrums because no one feels they are being heard. THAT is probably the crux of the whole thing (OK, totally simplistic, but still...) - we ALL want to be heard, valued and loved. We will certainly never be royal unless we pull a Grace Kelly, and it's far too late for most of us reading this. For the readers who live in a sovereign country, you don't even get what the fuss about royalty is about to us. (In part, it totally IS the accent...)
In ANY EVENT, it's Friday, we will never be royal, but we can dance while singing about it!
And baby I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule,
Let me live that fantasy.
I would like to state I added this to my favorites on Pandora WEEKS ago - way before it hit the popular mainstream!