It didn't. It probably made it worse.
Because my head wouldn't/doesn't quiet.
There are eighty million thoughts permeating my head.
And when that happens I need to retreat into my own world.
I stop doing things - like laundry, cooking, or writing blog posts.
I start doing things - like carbing out, binge watching How I Met Your Mother (thank you for that, Bella) on Netflix, or ODing on the Internet.
I need the silence and hate it at the same time.
Peter is off to college and there's a definite silence in the house. He's good for texting and every so often I log onto Twitter to see what's up. But there is a quiet I am not used to and no size 13 shoes at my front door.
For all her chattiness, Bella craves solitude and so she spends a good amount of time in her room. She gets her homework done and heads to dance three nights a week. Breaking up the silence, we have now become a Saturday night house for her and her friends. THAT makes my heart happy!
I love my basement for the solitude.
But sometimes that just isn't healthy!
And I need to get healthy - physically and mentally. Thankfully I see Cathy every other week and that's excellent for my mental health. Next up I need to take care of my body. My dad's side of the family has a history of heart disease and you know what - I am a prime candidate for a heart related illness. This up and down isn't good for me.
Listening to the myriad of voices in my head reminds me to shut up, sit down, and listen to my heart.
I am challenging myself to DO THAT.
Now that my arm doesn't ache quite as much I can journal again. When your inner thoughts hit paper unencumbered, it's amazing what you can figure out about yourself.
Here's to silencing our thoughts, to quieting our brains, to listening to our gut and to paying attention to signs that tell us everything we already know.
Ten thousand people maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
No one dared
Disturb the sound of silence