I received this (edited) FB message yesterday morning from Stephanie:
I know this is last minute, but I won Dave Matthews tickets at Bethel Woods. Show is tonight at 7. I couldn't use them, I gave them to my neighbor, and she called last night to say turns out she can't go either. If you are interested, you are welcome to call me right now or can call my cell.
W-H-A-T?! Really? Seriously?!
Alas, I had to work until 5pm last night. Hula Girl is coming home today so I swapped my day off. Otherwise, I totally would have gone.
Candace would LOVE these tickets.
Well, you know what happened next. I connected Candace to Stephanie and the rest, as they say, is history. I received a delightful text this morning from Candace: GREAT, great concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really did nothing. I wrote about a phone conversation. I started to listen to Dave. I totally fell in love with some songs. I shared it on FB.
I like to believe coming from a place of love makes the universe just listen and help make amazing things happen. Many will roll their eyes at that, but just as many are shaking their heads in agreement.
In other news, I fell in love with TODAY's Dave last night. At the end of our lives, really, do we want to have a lot of woulda, coulda, shoulda or do we want to know we lived? I would like to think I have sat on the edge of the world and loved while I lived.
Have the best day! Feel free, as always to like this post and share it.
Sitting on top of the world with
Your legs hanging free