Meet Kait Weston. A dynamo performer who left the suburbs of NY to pursue her love and dream of music in LA. Yep. All the way across the country.
She bought a one-way ticket to paradise a year ago and has been working her butt off to make her dreams come true.
I have known Kait for more than 12 years and she is determined. She is kind, compassionate, caring and soulful.
One of her biggest goals is to be the person a "Make-A-Wish" kid wants to meet. Now you love her as much as I do. Right?
It's been a while since she released a new single.
Well, TODAY is your lucky day! Check out Kait and her duet partner on this piece, Andrew Vass, with their cover of Rihanna's "Stay."
Although it's not Saturday, I will share Kait's FB link: HERE
Love YOU, Kait! xo