- There are no mistakes.
- There are no coincidences.
- There are no accidents.
- Everything happens for a reason.
- Everything happens in it's own time; not your time. (That may be THE single most frustrating part of the whole "thing")
You either subscribe to this belief or you don't. I don't think you can straddle the fence on this.
As I said yesterday, the circumstances of your life make you who you are. And trust me when I tell you, things happen out of the blue and you think to yourself, "W-H-A-T the hell..." And no matter how little sense it makes, in the end, according to universal laws of the universe (I think I just made that up...) everything is unfolding EXACTLY the way it is supposed to at exactly the right time.
It may turn you inside out and upside down, but, it is what it is.
It is having the faith - however you describe YOUR faith - that no matter how tumultuous or peaceful or amazing or awful a particular time in your life is, it is happening for a reason that will some day, maybe, perhaps, hopefully make sense. Or not.
Can you tell I've had these types of things happen to me?
What about you? Do share. xo
But how this turned out removed all my doubts