I didn't work on a board - I was having too much fun listening to stories and cutting out what I thought would work for someone else.
In the land of no coincidences, two of the young women in the basement were talking about a type of energy healing I had heard of but didn't know a lot about. Imagine my delight (serious, smile a giant smile, delight) when I found out the creator and teacher of this healing is someone I know from before either of these women were born. Life is a funny thing.
We shared, we laughed, we cut, we pasted, we glittered. We fired up the Keurig for the first time. We sang along to the playlist. We presented our vision boards to each other and to the universe. Along the way, we lightened our own loads so we will enjoy the ride.
At the end of the night, I actually drove one of the participants home because we had A LOT to talk about and she needed to hear my story. It was the fastest 40 minutes in a long time!
Music today - really, it came to me as soon as I saw the FB quote of the day and then found the magnificent quote on this page. You know you'll end up singing along.
Don't even try to understand
Just find a place to make your stand
And take it easy